Friday, March 5, 2010

Learn Magic Tricks for free !! - Beginners Guide.

Ok,so here we are,you have lately been watching some street magic shows like David Blaine or more instrumental magic shows like Chris Angel and have been fascinated by it.Or maybe you saw someone do it in a party or a bar and you have been amazed by it.No matter what the reason is, now you want to learn it yourself, you want to do the trick and watch the shock your audience gets into when you do it just like when you got shocked when someone else did it.
So being a newbie,there is not much you can do.Here you wont learn the amazing feats performed by proffesional magicians(mostly because some of those tricks require you to buy the props and you want to do these tricks without spending a buck right ;) ).Here you will learn the two trickswhich are downright basic in nature (but not as easy as you think) which will guide you to the path of learning the more dificult ones.These two tricks will form the base of your other tricks.The fact is, most of the complicated stuff you see in magic is mostly a combination of multiple basic tricks performed in succesion.It's not a big deal.You just need to practice.
Ok so let's start with one of the most basic tricks in magic..The French drop coin illusion.
Its a very visual trick that takes the spectator by surprise.But this trick needs a bit of practice which I am sure you are ready to do.
Props: a coin,a wand or some stick(optional)
Take the coin and show it to the spectator.Ask him to make sure that the coin is real.Then take the coin in your right hand(doesn't matter which let's say the right hand) and hold it with your thumb and any one finger.Now take your other hand and pretend like you are grabbing the coin but in reality you just drop the coin into the palm of the hand you are holding the coin into under the cover of your other hand.The spectator will think that the coin is in your left hand but in reality the coin will be just in the palm of your right hand.Reach into your pocket with your right hand and pretend to take out a wand or a pencil or whatever suits you but drop the coin in your pocket in that process.Now tap the wand on your left hand and open it.The coin will have dissapeared!!.. Ok now this trick sounds a little complicated in writing so i am attaching a video with it so you can see how simple but visual the trick actually is!!

This video is the sole property of expert village and I am in no manner affiliated to them.This video is displayed here for educational purposes only.. ;)

Ok,now for the basic card trick..Forcing the required card to your spectator
In this trick ,no matter what card the spectator chooses,the card comes out to be the one you want it to be.There are many variations of this trick.You can first name a card and then make your spectator choose a card from the deck.No matter what card the spectator chooses,he will always choose the card you named.Or you can even do it this way;Ask your spectator to choose any four cards from the deck.No matter what card he chooses,the card turns out to be the Aces or King or whatever you want it to be!!
Know what the top card is in your deck as you prepare to force a card during a card trick.

Hold the deck of cards so that the end card is facing up. Put the first three fingers of your hand against the face of the cards while your thumb and pinkie will be against the back of the deck.
Sort through the deck with your thumb and say stop. Try to time the moment the person says "stop" when you're about half-way through the deck.

Grab the half of the deck that's nearest your thumb by lifting straight up, leaving the top card behind. It will naturally fall against the other cards. If you do this movement quickly enough, it will be undetected by the spectator, who will remain unaware you are forcing a card during a card trick.
Tell the spectator to take the top card without showing you what that card is.

Instruct the spectator to put the card back in the deck after memorizing it, then put it back in the deck.

Shuffle the cards, and then pull out the top card. In this manner you will force a card in a card trick.
Here i am attaching one more video..It shows more than one card force tricks..although the third trick is the one you should stick to because that is the one which works for me all the time!!..

These two tricks are the one you should really work on to progress into the world of magic.There are so many tricks that it is hard to post all of them here.I am linking some amazing websites that have some great magic tricks for you to work on and the best part is they are all free!!...Feel free to visit them and master the art!..Also some links to the right posted by google are also of great help..enjoy!!
1) Bartender tricks ..
this is one of the best website I have found..Currently it shows 99 tricks which are fairly easy and have a wonderful effect!
2)Classic magic tricks .. Coins,cards,cups..whatever classic magic tricks you saw but could never figure out how they are done...this is the site for you!..
3)Daily new magic videos.. The name says it all!

There are many other websites which are similar in taste but more or less offer same tricks.If there is a better website you wan't to tell me about, then feel free to send me an email..or just twitter it to me..;).. Hope you have a blast doing magic!!

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